John Hadden prevails at Georgia Court of Appeals in product liability and premises liability; $25 million judgment affirmed

On March 15, 2024, the Georgia Court of Appeals affirmed a Hall County, Georgia judgment affirming a judgment in excess of $25 million for the wrongful death and estate claims of a young father at a factory near Gainesville. The decision can be read here. The case involved allegations of both product liability and premises liability arising from a wire machine installed at a Koswire plant, which manufactures wiring. The company, based in South Korea, was found in default after litigating the case for several years, and the original judgment was entered in 2018. In 2021, it hired new counsel and attempted to set aside the judgment, a request that was denied in late 2022. It then appealed, but the judgment was upheld. Penn Law’s John Hadden wrote and argued the brief before the Georgia Court of Appeals.